Not so long ago there was generation whose banners read ‘Love is in the air’. It represented a time of great hope and optimism for humanity. There was a feeling among that new generation that having left behind and learned from the horrors of World War II a new time of Peace could and would be moulded by nations working together in the common interest of the whole human family.
These years past have been witness to the failure of that vision for Peace.
For this generation, sadly, our banner reads ‘War is in the air.’
This year past has seen our hopes dashed beyond imagination or condemnation, such has been the level of atrocity and destruction. The killing, both indiscriminate and targeted, leaves countless families mourning and utterly traumatised. We remember them in their sorrow.
So the global community are rightly worried about what further horror may await us. The world is in a ‘troubled space.’ We are in dire need of HOPE & PEACE. Please pray that a new sanity will come upon those who are waging these senseless conflicts.

That troubled world is the backdrop of our personal world.
ADVENT has been an opportunity to reawaken our hope. The pre-Christmas time can be cluttered with gifts. Remember that small gifts speak as loud as big ones in reassuring those closest to us of our love and care.
This time is meant to wake us up to the deep meaning of the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God for you and I.
We know things have changed greatly in the relationship between the ‘Church’ and people. It is a sad and difficult experience for all.
However, it would be even more sad, if in this critical transition, it prevents anyone drawing deeply from wells of prayer, holy mass and various personal devotions.
CHRISTMAS is a reminder for all of us, wherever we are on that spectrum, that Jesus is the Beginning and The End, The Alpha and the Omega (Rev.22:13)
In a time of great change like ours, uncertainty afflicts all of us more. We all have our uncertainties, into which ‘the message of Christ in all richness,’ can nurture calm.
On a personal note, I draw great strength from the prayer after the Our Father at Mass.
‘Deliver us, Lord, from every evil,
Grant us peace in our day.
Free us from all anxiety
As we wait in joyful hope
For the coming of
Our Saviour, Jesus Christ’
May that peace of Christ
and freedom from anxiety be yours.
+ Wm. Crean