Spiritually enriching day for young adults aged 18-35 years.
For more information please contact Muintir Mhuire or scan the QR code
Pilgrimage to Knock
Sunday 11th May 2025. Parishes to make their own travel arrangements.
Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 30th May - 4th June 2025
All bookings for the Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes should be made through Joe Walsh Tours by telephone 01-2410800, online Joe Walsh Tours or by post to 89 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2, D02WY88. No booking is definite until a non-refundable deposit payment of €350 per person (plus insurance premium where applicable) has been receipted by Joe Walsh Tours. Early booking advisable.
Pilgrims who would like to travel with the Special Assisted Section should apply to: Cloyne Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, c/o Parish Secretary, 27/28 Bank Place, Mallow, Co. Cork. Tel: 022-20276. This special assisted/sick section is accommodated at the Accueil Notre Dame. Acceptance for travel with the special section for the sick is subject to approval of the Pilgrimage Medical Board. The closing date for receipt of application is 31 March 2025.
Bishop Wm. Crean, due to the untimely death of Fr. Robin Morrissey P.P. of Castletownroche (R.I.P) has appointed V. Rev. Peter O’Farrell P.P. of Milford to be P.P. of Castletownroche/Ballyhooly.
V. Rev. Francis Manning P.P. of Newmarket has been appointed Administrator of Milford Parish. He will be assisted by V. Rev. Anthony Wickham P.P. of Newtownshandrum and by V. Rev. Denis Stritch P.P. of Meelin.
These appointments take effect from January 11th 2025. We are indebted to all the priests involved in facilitating these new arrangements for the pastoral care of all the parishes. This new arrangement means that each of the three priests will now have nine church communities under their care. Your understanding and support will be greatly appreciated.
+ William Crean
Bishop of Cloyne
For further information: Contact Fr. James Moore
The event was organised by Killavullen Pastoral Council in conjunction with Trócaire.
It took place on the Cycle Paths of the new section of the N73 which had opened on the previous day. The N73 had been closed to traffic since the Autumn of 2023, about the same time that the conflict in the Holy Land escalated.
Not so long ago there was generation whose banners read ‘Love is in the air’. It represented a time of great hope and optimism for humanity. There was a feeling among that new generation that having left behind and learned from the horrors of World War II a new time of Peace could and would be moulded by nations working together in the common interest of the whole human family.
These years past have been witness to the failure of that vision for Peace.
For this generation, sadly, our banner reads ‘War is in the air.’
This year past has seen our hopes dashed beyond imagination or condemnation, such has been the level of atrocity and destruction. The killing, both indiscriminate and targeted, leaves countless families mourning and utterly traumatised. We remember them in their sorrow.
So the global community are rightly worried about what further horror may await us. The world is in a ‘troubled space.’ We are in dire need of HOPE & PEACE. Please pray that a new sanity will come upon those who are waging these senseless conflicts.
At a recent meeting of the Cloyne Diocesan Chapter on St. Colman’s Day 2024, Bishop Crean announced the appointments of Fr. Neilius O’Donnell P.E Rathcormac as Archdeacon and Fr. Patrick Linehan P.P. Cloyne as an Honorary member.
Fr. Neilius O’Donnell a native of Castlelyons was ordained priest in 1961 for service in the Diocese of Cloyne. While he served briefly in Wales for the first three years of his ministry since 1964 he has served with distinction as Chaplain, Diocesan Inspector, Curate and Parish Priest from which he retired in 2014. In retirement he has continued to serve with great generosity in several parishes when required.
His appointment as Archdeacon is recognition of his contribution over all the years along with his current pastoral involvement in his ‘Retirement’.
Fr. Patrick Linehan P.P. Cloyne, serves as parish priest of the quintessential home of the Diocese. By tradition and practice the holder of that Office is an Honorary member of the Chapter.
We pray Gods continued blessing on their ministry.
P.S. The office of Archdeacon of the Diocesan Chapter assists the Bishop in his office as overseer and shepherd.
+ William Crean
Bishop of Cloyne
Today the Diocese of Cloyne celebrates the feast of its founder and patron, St. Colman. Historians tell us that Colman was born in Emly in 530 A. D. West Cork is also mentioned as a possible place of his birth. He was educated as a file, a poet, and became the Royal Bard at the court of the King of Munster in Cashel. His poems are among the earliest examples of written Irish.
In mid-life, under the influence of St. Brendan, he answered a call to priesthood. He made his way southward to Cloyne, where he laid his most important foundation on lands given to him by the King of Munster. That foundation was the beginning of the Diocese of Cloyne. Bishop Colman died in Cloyne on 24th November about the year 600 A. D. and there he was buried.
Cloyne developed into a great mother church and diocesan see. The Diocese gradually grew to its present extent and, until the penal times, included some of south Co. Limerick. Cloyne was a household name long before it gave us Christy Ring.
On one occasion the late Bishop John Ahern was visiting Cloyne National School. He asked the pupils to name the famous bishop who once lived in Cloyne. One bright pupil answered: “Bishop Berkeley”, much to the amusement of Bishop Ahern and to the embarrassment of the teacher.
The current General Election campaign is distinguished by the fact that it hasn’t ‘caught fire’.
This is disturbing because it indicates something of a tacit consensus ‘round what the important national issues are.
It is disconcerting to find that the total silence ‘round the critical issue of Assisted Suicide/Assisted Death.
On an evening just prior to the calling of the General Election a vote took place to accept the recommendation of the Oireachtas Committee’s Report on the issue. In substance, a majority of the Oireachtas approved proceeding with the provision of a framework to assist in the death of some in certain circumstances.
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