Koinonia Cloyne is a two-year in-person course for adults who wish to explore questions of theology, liturgy, spirituality and pastoral ministry.
Participants grow in their understanding of the Catholic faith and become more capable participants in their local parish.
The programme takes its inspiration from the “Jerusalem spring” of the early Church (Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47). Having received the Good News, the first Christians met regularly to pray, to reflect on the teaching of the apostles, and to share their talents. Over time, their generous Koinωnía (communion) with the Lord and each other became a sign of hope that many others would follow.
The faith, fellowship and formation of that first Christian community informs the methodology of our programme:
- Faith: Participants explore the basic elements of theology, spirituality and the liturgy in a way suited to adult learners who may have little previous experience of studying the Christian faith.
- Fellowship: We strive to create a group atmosphere that is respectful, mutually supportive and committed to making the pilgrimage of faith together.
- Formation: The course is intended to develop participants’ own skills and talents, whatever they may be, in sharing the Good News. Among the emerging roles for lay Catholics are the ministries of Lector, Acolyte and Catechist. There are also responsibilities in parish administration, in the pastoral care of the sick and the bereaved, and in leading others in prayer.
Those who took part in the 2022-2024 Koinonia programme graduated, last May, at an event in the Mallow Campus of Further Education and Training.
Koinonia Graduation 2024
Parishes are now invited to nominate candidates for the 2024-2026 course
This is expected to commence on September 23, 2024 and will meet on most Tuesday evenings of the academic year at Mallow Campus of FET.
Year One will focus on the basic elements of theology, the liturgy and spirituality. Topics include images of God; the formation of the Bible; Jesus and the origins of Christianity; the Liturgy of the Hours; the celebration of the Eucharist; the liturgical year; the sacraments of initiation and healing; prayer and reflective living; Christian art and history.
Year Two will address our response to the Gospel and the discernment of our personal vocation.

Topics include the sacraments of commitment; the Kingdom of God and social justice; family spirituality; bereavement and the last things; Canon Law; Christian morality; lay ministry; parish administration; the catechesis of children and the new lay ministries.
In addition to the weekly meeting, there will be ongoing support offered by the course facilitators and regular updates by email. Two optional days of recollection will take place each year, at Advent and Easter, as well as an end-of-year pilgrimage and an opportunity for a residential retreat at a monastery during the month of June.
Advent Retreat
Core texts, including the New Jerusalem Bible (Study Edition) and the Irish Catholic Catechism for Adults will be given to participants at the first meeting along with a calendar for Year One.
Meeting Format: The duration of each meeting will be two hours. It will consist of a time for prayer followed by a presentation given by a guest lecturer, with a background in the theme for that evening. Summary notes, in the form of a handout, will accompany the lecture. Following a tea break, Sharing Groups will take up the topic and there will be a closing Q&A with the presenter.
Requirements: The main requirement is a desire to explore the Catholic faith in greater depth, alongside a willingness to contribute to the goals of the programme, including regular attendance. Koinonia Cloyne is non-assessed and there is no required written work, although the filing of a personal Learning Log is encouraged.
Applications to join the 2024-2026 enrolment should be made by mid - September. Places are limited. The written nomination of your Parish Priest will be requested. The annual fee for the programme is €500 or €400 where there is more than one participant from the same parish. This will be sponsored in part or in full by the participant's parish and paid in December.
For more information and to apply to be part of this exciting programme of adult faith formation in the Diocese of Cloyne...