Mass of Thanksgiving

Presentation of Pro Ecclesia and Benemerenti Medals
28 February 2025

My friends,

Being singled out for recognition can be a bit embarrassing and we are aware of that risk this evening as we gather to acknowledge the extraordinary generosity and service of Liam and Eileen Ryan and Geraldine McGowan.

Normally we tend to award the exceptional achievements in life – by way of sport, the arts, literature and military service. They are right and fitting in their context.

It is a different kind of recognition when we acknowledge, not so much a very particular skill set but a lifetime of presence and service to a community. These awards this evening are of that order and kind. So much of our working lives are measured in time and motion, in the workplace or indeed at home.

The kind of service which we recognise this evening has had little of that quality of compartmentalisation - rather it has been so open ended that time away on holidays barely featured.

The scripture readings chosen for this prayer time of Thanksgiving move us to reflect on the spiritual vision and understanding that has inspired this generosity of spirit.

Its for us to recognise that every community of faith is blessed with many gifts – a great variety of gifts given not for ourselves but for the enhancement and enrichment of the whole assembly. The pity is that we don’t appreciate adequately how our failure in generosity impoverishes one another. There are all sorts if service to be done in the name of the one same Lord.

When this level of mutual service and appreciation prevails, the kingdom is in our midst. The Beatitudes are lifted from the pages of the Bible to be experienced and embodied in our midst. Where the light is brought forth for all to see and feel it’s glow, the kingdom is amongst us.

Tonight, might be tinged with embarrassment for Liam, Eileen and Geraldine. We appreciate your acceptance of this recognition. It is important for us in a new generation to acknowledge the richness of our legacy of faithful Christian living and service. It is important for this generation of believers to be nurtured by the hope that is reflected in your fortitude and perseverance.

A new generation always face new challenges – so to for young people who yearn to be inspired and guided in life by our faith in the Lord Jesus.

So let this moment of remembering and thanksgiving serve to lift up our hearts,
“So that we overflow with hope in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Rom 15:13