"Do not praise one before they have spoken"

8th Sunday C,
2 March 2025

My friends,

Results seem to determine so much of our lives. So many are under pressure to deliver – be it profits in business, trophies in sports, grades in school tests, sales in the world of publishing. It all amounts to an ongoing tyranny, a regime of fear under which we live and one by which so many judge and value their success and worth in life.

This reality generates enormous stress and tension for many who simply find their daily experience of life continuously demanding and unfulfilling. It all amounts to a serious spiritual crisis where in our efforts to meet the demands of others we are robbed of the most precious things in life, friendship, fun, freedom of imagination and ideas, music and laughter.

In a way, what is happening is that society is slowly, without our noticing, controlling more and more dimensions of our thoughts and emotions that we increasingly feel we are like ‘puppets’ in the hands of forces we cannot recognise, name or control. It is little wonder then that people get angry, frustrated and resentful because they feel the odds are stacked against them.

These thoughts come to mind as we think on the lines from the Book of Ecclesiasticus (1st Reading).
“The Kiln tests the work of the potter
the test of a man is in his conversation
The orchard where the tree grows is judged
on a quality of its fruit.”

A similar image is given by Jesus in the Gospel.

“A good man draws what is good
From the store of goodness in his heart
A bad man draws what is bad
From the store of badness.
For a man’s words flow out of
What fills his heart.”

When thinking on this reality of our place in a society that is turbulent and unsettled, and our experience of being powerless – we can find strength and motivation from our individual and personal integrity and sincerity of heart in our daily encounters.

Society is always in great need of leadership – women and men who have a vision and sense of purpose to serve the common good. Such people are rare – it is difficult to keep one’s vision and purpose to the forefront in a sustained way through a political career.

Right now, we seem blessed with a stable society and economy. In truth it looks more like the calm before the storm. There is more to our society than economic and academic results. There are many indicators that beneath the surface all is not well – the proverbial ducks are peddling like mad to stay in control.

The circumstances that generate crime, domestic violence, disenchantment among young people and attendant addiction cannot be ignored. There is a black hole being hollowed out by our pretence and denial that the ‘results’ we’re priding ourselves on are indeed coming at a very high price to our corporate soul.