Parish Office
Phone: 086 803 1876
Parochial House
Co. Cork

Parish Churches
St Mary's
Mass Times
Sunday | Saturday |
12:00noon | 6:30pm (Feb | Apr | Jun | Aug | Oct | Dec) |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
10:00am | 10:00am | 10:00am | - | 10:00am |
Holy Days: | 12:00noon |
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on the Second Friday of the month from after the 10:00am Mass until 12:00noon concluding with Benediction
St Mary's
Mass Times
Sunday | Saturday |
10:00am | 6:30pm (Jan | Mar | May | Jul | Sep | Nov) |
Schools in this Parish
Primary Schools:
Lisgriffin N.S.
Phone: 022-23855
Scoil Muire na Trocaire
Phone: 022-23506
Post Primary Schools:
Colaiste Mhuire
Phone: 022-23733