The Parish of Youghal is delighted to welcome the return of the image of Our Lady of Youghal in conjunction with the celebration of the 8th centenary of the Dominican presence in Ireland.

All are welcome to participate in this joyful celebration of the Dominicans contribution to our history of faith and their spreading of devotion to Our Lady of Graces.

For full details please see below.

youghal 2Visit of the image of Our Lady of Graces to Youghal

Saturday 19th October, image will be present at the opening of the academic conference organised by Youghal Celebrates History at the Mall House, Youghal at 10 am and thereafter will be displayed for the veneration of the faithful at St Mary’s Parish Church, Youghal, from 10.00 am until a special Mass of Thanksgiving at 6.00 pm, celebrated by Most Rev William Cream, Bishop of Cloyne. The homily will be preached by Very Rev John Harris, OP, Prior Provincial of the Dominicans. The sacrament of Reconciliation will be available during the day.

On Sunday 20th October, image will be present for 11.00 am Mass in the Church of the Holy Family and afterwards for the veneration of the faithful until a communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick at 5.00 pm.

This year marks the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the first Dominican friars in Ireland. One of their early foundations was in Youghal and the remains of the friary Church can be seen at the North Abbey Cemetery.

In this Church a small image of Our Lady with the child Jesus and a dove, which had come into the possession of the friars, became an object of great devotion and many people made pilgrimages to visit it. This is the image of Our Lady of Graces, of 14th century origin. Miracles and healings have been attributed to Our Lady’s intercession in connection with this devotion.

On the dissolution of the monastery in the 16th century, the image was rescued by friars and later was preserved by private families until it was restored to the care of the Dominicans at Pope’s Quay in Cork in the 19th century. It can be venerated there in the public Church.