Hosting a Jubilee Conversation in your parish

Over 50 parishioners gathered in Cloghroe last week for what turned out to be a fruitful evening of prayer, input and synodal dialogue on the theme of our Jubilee Year of Hope.
The evening began with 30 minutes of silent Eucharistic Adoration concluding with Benediction, a 30minute input by Fr Eamonn McCarthy, our diocesan co-ordinator for the year, by way of exploration of the Jubilee themes and the document, Spes non Confundit, followed by a further half hour of animated exchange and dialogue among those present.

Jubilee gathering in Cloghroe 1Jubilee gathering in Cloghroe



Interest was expressed as to what might be done locally to capitalise on the grace of the Jubilee to provide for ongoing formation of the faithful, to extend an invitation to the lukewarm and lapsed among us, a gentle invitational visit of the homes of the parish, and how we might better engage with our young people in schools and otherwise.
Encouragement to participate in the various pilgrimages on offer for the year locally and nationally gave way to the understanding of the parish itself being on a pilgrimage of faith, a synodal journey, with a responsibility to share this faith in our community and that new local initiatives begin to materialise.
And, of course, the important cup of tea and a bun meant an opportunity to further the conversation at the end of the evening.
It was a pleasant evening of faith sharing, but a call to engage afresh with the Mission of the Church.