Come to know the Personal Love of the Lord more deeply through an uplifting and inspiring series of talks, prayer and togetherness (Life in the Spirit Seminars)

Facilitated by Mir Ministries
Richmond House,Fermoy
(Richmond Hill) College Rd, P61 T292

Friday nights at 8pm
from Fri 20th Sept to Fri 25th Oct 2024

For further information please contact:
 Tim 086 - 8098004

Everyone Warmly Welcome 



Send forth Your Spirit, Oh Lord, and renew the face of the earth (Ps. 103:30)Send Forth Your Spirit. Oh Lord, and renew the face of the Earth (Ps. 103:30)

Mir Ministries is a fellowship of committed Catholic Christians, our desire is to lead as many as possible into an experience of the personal love of God and an intimate relationship with Him and to bring the liberation and healing won by Jesus on the Cross to His people.  We aim to do this mainly through facilitating Life in the Spirit Seminars and Healing Services