In light of the great Judeo-Christian tradition of Harvest Thanksgiving, a graced space is offered during these days to glean the kernels of truth and wisdom hidden in the mystery of our own daily life. This will be a time to “ingather”, i.e. to reflect, remember and recognise the grace of God at work within and around us in order to cultivate a spirit of gratitude, hope and outreach.

Bookings are now open and early booking is advised.  The cost is €280 residential and €180 non-residential

For further information click here or to book a place on this Retreat, please call 01 4048189 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Harvesting Gratitude - Carol BarryHarvesting Gratitude - Carol Barry

Carol Barry is a theologian, lecturer in Biblical Spirituality, Retreat Director, Anam Chara, and practitioner of Bibliodrama and Deep Talk, and Elder Pastoral care.