St. Aloysius - Summer Faith Camp, for Boys and Girls (5-14 years)
Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 July 2024
9:30am to 3:00pm
Community Youth Centre, Mallow
It’s a summer camp with a twist! It’s an opportunity for young people to develop confidence and character, and to know and experience the love of God through Sports, Arts & Crafts, Music, Dance, Drama, Prayer and Catechesis.
Supervised adoration is held every day where young people have an opportunity to sit and talk to Jesus. The day finishes with Mass where the young people participate in singing, readings and as altar servers. Families are invited to the closing festival for Mass and drama performances.
€50 for the first child - €30 per additional child from the same family!
(Mallow Parish Youth Ministry - CDYS)
on 086 803 1126