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Mallow Parish completes 8-week Study of Bible

Mallow parish has recently completed an 8-week study of the bible (details of course below).

The number of active participants comprised 48 people and was blessed to have a large number of leaders and room space which catered for the needs of the group. Such participation speaks for itself. It was noticed that the quality and enthusiasm of the leaders was a huge contributory factor to the success of the course in Mallow.


It was thought that this eight session programme was very suitable to the needs of Mallow Parish. It gave Ministers of the Word a much-appreciated insight into the story of the Bible and how the Old and New Testaments “knit” together. It was also a great way of learning how to actually pick up the Bible and get into it without fear of foreign words or “out of context” stories.

It is hoped that this type of formation would be a regular part of the landscape of our parish as there is a need to form the members of our faith community.

A course on the word of God was a real winner for the parish as so many people are fascinated by the Bible and will say “I wish I knew more about the Bible.” Even people who many not be practicing their faith feel this fascination. This makes this programme good as an outreach project for a parish. Along with the Ministers of the Word whom we invited to register before promoting the course publically, other interested persons heard about it and signed up. It is important to advertise it in the Church but also in other places – social media, library, school (for staff), shop notice board, local radio, etc.

Finally, no one study group or no single course will change the face of a whole faith community overnight but the very establishment of a study group gives both a witness and a testament to the importance of a living faith to a parish community. The grace that flows from such effort will impact in ways far beyond all telling.

As a group in Mallow, it was a great experience and made our Easter celebration all the more special.



“Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible”

Adult Faith Formation Course, Parish of Mallow, 2016

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer is an engaging journey through the Bible. It is an eight-part study providing a very accessible way to understanding the story of the Bible. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible makes the complex simple. It helps you uncover the story woven throughout Scripture so that you can get the “big picture” of the Bible and understand what it is all about. The Bible is a story about the Father’s unfailing love for us – a love that we are now called to share with others.


Video describing the course:


This course helps you

* make sense of the Bible and see how it relates to your everyday life

* Discover the remarkable connections between the Old and New Testaments

* See how the sacraments, the Church and our entire Catholic Faith is rooted in Scripture

… and much more!

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