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Homily of Bishop William Crean – 23rd Sunday A- 10th September 2023

23rd Sunday A

St. Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh

10th September 2023

“Whatever you loose on earth”

My friends,

Have you ever found yourself reacting to a person on television or radio and saying/thinking “God: I cannot stand him/her” or even stronger saying you hate them! For what they represent or what they say.

There has always been difference and division between individuals and between sections of society. One of the new developments of difference and division has come with the evolution of social media – a wonderful gift on one level but an instrument of invective and abuse on another. Social media has taken intolerance and hatred to a new level. It is characterised by misinformation and lies, it destroys reputations and, in some instances, drives people to take their own lives.

The Old Testament used the language of the ‘wicked wretch’ to describe the mindset of such people and calls on all to talk to the wicked one and seek to get them to renounce their wicked ways before God. Its not an option “O that to-day you would listen to the voice of the Lord, harden not your hearts to-day” Psalm 94. Hardness of heart is an affliction of the mind. We can become so fixed on our sense of hurt and woundedness that we cannot and do not want to let go of our grudge. We can hold hurt in clenched fists that reflect their rigid hold in dark eyes and downcast faces. It can be or become a paralysis of life where no joy can enter in.

In Matthew’s Gospel to-day we are offered a model of reconciliation and like the words of Ezechiel in the 1st Reading there is the call to be proactive in seeking to correct the wrong that has been done. We are called to be active agents of healing and reconciliation in our own relationships, in family and in society. We need, in the best way we can, to confront the wrong done and the hurt being caused.

We all react negatively to the bully – but the bully continues to bully unless someone confronts them. It is common to hear of the philosophy of life – “to live and let live” as a way of tolerance – yet it really is a selfish and passive path. Suggesting all is grand once it doesn’t impact on me, is not good enough.

To-day the Lord in his words calls me to be proactive in the work of healing hurt and reconciliation not to do so is not an option because our lives, our families, our society needs hearts that open to recognising the pain on one another.

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”. Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

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