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Homily of Bishop Crean – Primary School Masses – September/October 2023

Primary School Masses – September/October 2023

“Let the little children come to me”

Reflection on and Thanksgiving for our schools:

Celebrant: Bishop William Crean

My friends,

Education is for life and life offers us a continuous opportunity for learning. Research has long since confirmed our intuition that the importance of a solid foundation is critical for lifelong learning.

It is our privilege and responsibility as educators to lay that foundation in the lives of the children entrusted to us. In the immediacy of daily demands and obligations it is understandable if we often take the big-picture for granted. That’s the reason for my invitation to gather in faith to reflect on our task as educators in 21st century Ireland, an Ireland that’s rich in opportunity yet challenging for teachers and parents, for in the maelstrom of great currents of change families and schools are the first point of interchange and challenge.

If we take the big picture and long-term view, we will find rich veins of inspiration and encouragement from our vision of education, our history, not concealing our past failures and mistakes and indeed our current capacity to adapt to your new circumstances.

Our vision of education is unashamedly a Christian one in the Catholic tradition. It is holistic in breadth and wholesome in depth. The total person, mind, body and spirit is the focus. Integration of these dimensions of the individual student are the overarching aspiration for all entrusted to us. In that sense each school seeks to be a centre of excellence that nurtures the multiplicity of gifts and abilities of all.

It is important to remind ourselves that our vision of education has its foundation in a Christian anthropology, the Christian understanding of the human person as a unique image of the Creator God, bestowing us with an eternal dignity and worth.

Our work of education goes deeper than producing economic operatives – skilled agents of economic productivity. While economic progress is essential it does not merit creating life patterns that dehumanises. The balance of work, life, family and community enables us to live wholesome and fulfilling lives.

Our relationships are central to living well. The balance of our interactions as boys and girls, men and women are crucial. So, our Christian vision of education incorporates an understanding of sexuality that is respectful of each young person. We are committed to respecting equally the primary responsibility of parents in this regard.

The programs offered in schools for this dimension are meant to respect the ethos of the school. It is therefore disingenuous and unhelpful if secular educational idealogues seek perpetually to impose on families and schools an agenda that is at variance with the education mission of the school. Pursuing such a path is seeking to subvert the school curriculum. It is reprehensible and unjust.

Continuing to look at the big picture – questions, legitimate questions, are asked about continued church involvement in education. Such questions are usually couched in terms of control. The Church’s engagement in education is a mission of service – to the young, to their families and to society. That remains the case in 21st century Ireland and we hope it can continue as long as we have families who share in and desire to have their children participate in a vision of education that acknowledges and nurtures Christian faith and culture.

That raises the immediate and urgent issue of families and their participation in their parish community. I raise here the importance of the sacraments, in living the Christian life. We detest pretence yet too many families sign forms that commit to supporting their children in preparing for First Communion and Confirmation and fail miserably to do so. It is unfair to your child and shows a disrespect for the sacred nature of the sacrament.

It is my responsibility as bishop to ensure that sacraments are celebrated with integrity and not reduced to a sham celebration.

It is therefore important that parents need to “step up to the plate” in this regard. If you desire your children to share in the deep spiritual riches of the sacrament, you need to commit yourselves to journeying in faith with them. So I ask you take time with your child to discuss the meaning and purpose of receiving these sacraments in a spirit of sincere and genuine faith.

Our schools respect the wish of parents who choose different. Our schools have extended a fulsome welcome to children from all backgrounds over the years. In this respect we are immensely grateful for the welcome and support extended

more recently to the children of the Ukraine who have enrolled in many of your schools. It’s a credit to your humanity and compassion. I know how grateful these families are also. But that hasn’t surprised us who are aware of the welcome your extended in the past to children from many other nations who now live among us.

My final word is one of gratitude and appreciation to Boards of Management and teachers. Both roles are essential but different. With our Board of Management structure, we have a balanced representative body comprised of parents, teachers, community and patron nominees. The Chair of these boards has a vital role in enabling the Board to operate efficiently and effectively. On behalf of the school communities across the diocese I wish to convey my appreciation and gratitude to all.

To our teachers who embrace all the children in the diversity of their gifts and needs we are deeply indebted. You bring not just your professional qualifications but your personal care and concern. It means this generation of children are richly blessed and we are thankful.

This gathering in faith is a time to pause to appreciate anew the nature of our schools. Their Christian vision and inspiration ensure our children are nurtured in body, mind and spirit.

May the Lord who calls us to this privileged service to the little ones continue to guide and sustain us in faith, hope and love.

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