Homily Notes of Bishop Wm. Crean
Concluding Mass at Diocesan Assembly of Priests and Deacons
7 November 2024
‘Go placidly amid the noise and haste
And remember what peace there may be in
silence…….. Pearls of wisdom!
Avoid loud and aggressive persons they are
vexations to the spirit.’
A line in that reflection always resonates as particularly apt for people who choose to give of themselves in service of others. “Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.”
The incessant demand on one person takes its toll – unless we by our awareness and pro-action stay in control.
These have been a blessed few days out of the routine – to pause, review and re-engage.
The sequence of input worked well as we were taken from the macro picture by Michael Kelly to when ‘the rubber hits the road’ experience of Fr. Gerard Garrett. When taken in one sweep it can get in on us.
Put Synodality on top of it – ‘well that beats Banagher as they say!’ A cascade of expectations.
It helps to step back a little – to reframe our approach and disposition.
I’m not sure if it’s helpful to believe that if only I could be freed from all administrative obligation, I’d then be able to focus on the real, essential ‘spiritual’ in people’s lives.
If synodality sounds like you’ve heard it all before – you’re right mostly. That’s the language the Church had been using for the last 60 years.
Once the Church in its theological retrieval of Vatican II came to recognise the primacy of the baptismal calling – then all else has flown down from that fundamental affirmation.
The re-animation of the Church through embracing a synodal pathway is to choose an ecclesial methodology of engaging seriously and genuinely with fellow pilgrims on the journey.
We, I believe, should take credit for the very significant adaptation and adjustments that have been made already – through Parish Pastoral Councils, Board of Management and a myriad of other ways in which we engage people, according to our gift and theirs. All respectful engagement with people be it as priest or deacon, catechist or acolyte is ministry/service to one another.
It has fallen to us to fashion this new engagement in a time of great cultural transition.
The novelty of the synodal path is the central peace given to ‘Conversations in the Spirit’ as our brief experience with Julieann showed – it calls for great patience, a deep capacity to listen attentively.
If your tolerance for slow, deliberate discernment is low – it calls for heroic tolerance and patience. But remember that how so many will sense they are heard and respected.
All the while the structures and reputation of the institution will seem to stand between us and peoples experience of Gods grace. We have the theological and spiritual formation but in a parish context its not connecting personally in engagement and commitment for many.
It looks like the various ecclesial communities are more effective precisely because they not only believe, they belong also.
Yet parishes is where its at for us presently. We have done some tweaking in most Deaneries.
Whereby a neighbouring parish has taken on the responsibility when someone is not replaced. While this pattern will continue it can be done only for so long.
Currently, I’m in the process of working with 3 parishes to meet the needs of another who will not have a resident priest.
As part of our embracing the Synodal process I hope to initiate a diocesan process in which we together, priests and people will seek to put a pastoral plan in place to guide the adjustments that will be required in the coming years.
This will involve the Council of Priests and the members of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. This will be our specific Pastoral Project for Jubilee 2025.
Getting back to the Desiderata,
“Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness”
I do not wish to add to the work load but working effectively together on this is imperative if we are to hand on to a new generation structures and ways of organising parish life that is realistic, manageable and effective in meeting peoples spiritual needs, while respecting the reality that we cannot do everything!
Diocesan Assembly of Priests and Deacons 2024 - Killarney