Season of Creation
1 September - 4 October
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Homilies offered by Bishop William Crean
Developing faith and ministry in the Diocese of Cloyne
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Fáilte, Welcome
to the website for the Catholic Diocese of Cloyne, Ireland
Bishop William Crean
Norsk schizofreni Norge har i år feiret tusenårsjubileum for kristenretten, øyensynlig med allmen begeistring. Fromt er det blitt sunget over det ganske land om Guds fire døtre. Vi har ropt hurra for at Norge i 1024 gikk fra å være maktsamfunn til Read More
Tore Hund Med interesse har jeg lest Heidi Frich Andersens Men utenfor er hundene om hellig Olavs banemann. Den historiske roman utgjør en vrien genre. Man risikerer anakronismer på flere plan, og forenklende fortidsperspektiver. Frich Andersen navigerer imidlertid stødig og godt. Hun Read More
Like a Bad Habit In a cogent essay Timothy Snyder engages with the distorted reading of history that underpins Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. The framework he uses, reminding us to check projections and downright inventions against facts, can be applied to Read More
21. Sunday B
21. Sunday B
Joshua 24.1-18: Choose today whom you wish to serve.
Ephesians 5.21-32: This mystery applies to Christ and the Church.
John 6.60-69: ‘This is intolerable! How could anyone accept it?’
Our Gospel begins with the exclamation of one who’s had enough: ‘Intolerable! How can Read More
Venice at Dawn Lawrence Durrell in Bitter Lemons: ‘These thoughts belong to Venice at dawn, seen from the deck of the ship which is to carry me down through the islands to Cyprus; a Venice wobbling in a thousand fresh-water reflections, cool as a Read More