Season of Creation
1 September - 4 October
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Homilies offered by Bishop William Crean
Developing faith and ministry in the Diocese of Cloyne
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Bishop William Crean
In His Totality In a retreat talk given to the clergy of Tromsø this week, Sr Pauline Bürling OP reminded us of the example of Father Alfred Delp, executed by Hitler’s regime in 1945 at the age of 37 for his staunch, active Read More
To Be Free In a note posted yesterday, reflecting on a recent encounter with President Zelenskyi, Timothy Snyder develops what he calls ‘the Zelenskyi paradox’. It is his shorthand for the insight that ‘a free person can sometimes only do one thing. If Read More
Homily given during a meeting of the clergy of the Prelature of Tromsø
Robert Bellarmine, who died in 1621, was known as a learned cardinal and a holy man in his lifetime; but was canonised only in 1930. That is striking. Read More
24. Sunday B
24. Sunday B
Isaiah 50:5-9: The Lord God has opened my ear.
James 2:14-18: If good works do not go with faith, it is quite dead.
Mark 8:27-35: Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it.
Yesterday we kept the feast of the Read More
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Numbers 21.4-9: Make a fiery serpent and put it on a standard.
John 3.13-17: The Son of Man must be lifted up.
Historically speaking, today’s feast has a twofold reference. The Byzantine Church keeps it to recall how the Emperor Heraclius rescued Read More