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Bishop William Crean welcomes Servants of the Home of the Mother to Cloyne Diocese

Croí Le Brí Nua

“They put fresh heart into the disciples” (Acts 14:22)

My friends,

“To live is to change, To be perfect is to have changed often” – Bl. John Henry Newman

Life does not stand still. Neither does society or family. Life calls us to constant renewal in the light of new circumstances.

So also with the Church and its place in society. We seek in our plans to manage change but we have no guarantee of success.

In the long history of the Church it has been marked by new beginnings of religious orders invariably inspired by an individual with a special charism (gift). They have drawn others to join them by their special gift and a new order is born.

This dynamic has unfolded in Spain in recent decades with the establishment of a new religious association under the title Servants of the Home of the Mother. The founder is Fr. Rafael Alonso Reymundo. The group comprises of priests, brothers, religious sisters and lay people.

From the outset “Servants of the Home of the Mother” has had a missionary outreach. The Diocese of Cloyne has been engaged in conversation with Servant of the Home of the Mother with view to establishing a community in the Diocese.

This month Servants of the Home of the Mother will establish two communities in the Diocese. A community of sisters will take up residence in Mitchelstown with view to assisting in the pastoral mission in Mitchelstown parish.

A community of two priests and two brothers will take up residence in Mallow with view to ministering / working with young people in the Diocese, in schools and supporting their families in sharing faith and life.

As a Diocese we look forward to the establishment of these two communities. Our prayer and wish is that they will help “put fresh heart into the disciples” (Acts of the Apostles 14:22).

We extend a “Céad Míle Fáilte” to these women and men of faith. They bring a deep love and passion for the Lord and His Blessed Mother, Our Lady. As they come to live among us may their presence and witness serve as leaven to raise us up.

+ Bishop William Crean

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